Friday, May 6, 2011

Dwaadasha Stotram-2

Namaami Nikhilaadheesha KireeTAGrushhTa peeThavath|

Being nothing I worship the Lord of Creation, Lord of Prakriti, who is shine in the crown.

Hriththamah Shyamanerkabham Shripatheh Paadapankajam|
I worship the one who clears the mind from darkness, inertness and shows you the shining Self (Aatman).
I bow down and worship to his Lotus feet.

I worship the one who clears the mind from darkness, inertness and shows you the shining Self (Aatman).
I bow down and worship to his Lotus feet.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dwaadasha Stotram

Vande Vandyam Sadanandam Vaasudevam Niranjanam |
Indirapaathim Aadyadi Varadesha Varapradam |

I praise the one deserving to be praised,
the one who is beyond Sukha and Duhka,
the one who is knower, intelligent,
the one who is happiness in absolute respects,
the one who incarnated as son of Vasudeva
the one who is beyond impurities and purities.

Indirapaathim Aadyadi Varadesha Varapradam

The ultimate one who is the knower,
the intelligent behind the intelligene in creation
I ask for realization from him
the one who can bestow upon me.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Swetha Varaha Kalpa


I just tried to interpret the name: Swetha Varaaha Kalpa.
It literally meant for me:" Swetha" means White
"Varaaha" means pig/hog/boar
"Kalpa" means aeon.
it was roughly about 2 billion years ago. It is said that, the First ice (white in color) age, called "Huronian glaciation" took place and the entire earth was covered in Ice. may be our ancestors referred to such an age by mentioning the Kalpa as: Svetha Varaha, whose Tatparya may be, Age of ice where white animals like Polar bears, Polar hoars existed and dominated the entire Earth.

Our ancestors may have given hence this name. Otherwise what can be the motive or intention behind such a name for this Kalpa.
Just think!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ref: Soorya Siddhanta, Aryabhata